

Saturday, August 30, 2014

The end is near!

[this is the facebook post announcement - August 30, 2014 - of Bypass Ratio's retirement]
I have made a HUGE decision today. BYPASS RATIO (the brand and entity) will be retired in 2014! Now before my 10 fans go "NOOOOO!!!" -lol  - that doesn't mean I'm going to stop making music & videos. That is my passion now and what I 'literally' live for. In all of the "Anon" and "BPR" videos, since I have been so poor the last couple of years, I have had to use borrowed images and film clips to create the illusions I wanted to create... and although I haven't gotten into any "trouble" per say for that, that "matched third party content" warning I got, got me to thinking! ALL of BPR's & ANON's videos and sites that I have created in the last 2 years will remain on the internet forever, but it's time for a new "entity" with everything 100% my own. I will copyright the brand, or at least trademark it. I had a friend who told me a year ago, that my music was confusing, "Janella Jessica" "Anon" "Jason C" - just too many entities...and she is right! With BPR, I don't have the option for Vevo or to possibly sell my music or items to go with it. I have a lot to do!!! My goal time for "the new me" with an entire full album and it's first single release, is late winter/early spring of 2015! I have already picked a stage name (checked...not trademarked or even findable on google!!!<that's a good thing) and ideas are exploding in my head! Anon & Jason C will meld into eachother to create the new me...just me< well the stage me - I almost died 2 months ago... that reality is only just now, really hitting me... I know that God didn't leave me here on this planet and not take me yet, to just be an aging restaurant employee sick person. I am coming back fast physically from the edge of death and I may be getting a little long in the tooth now, to be a world wide available performer, musician and singer and is the last thing I thought I'd EVER be doing after all of those years as a service industry low wage slave who could never seem to find himself or his purpose, but deep down, even if I never earn a dime from it... I feel like my main purpose on this earth and in this carbon vessel named Jason, is to create this art form of music & video... and to get (even a small one) following of this art. (around 100,000 people is my goal) There are 7 billion people on this planet. I know damn good and well that there are at least some people on this spinning blue ball that can relate to me and my art!!! They HAVE TO BE SOMEWHERE out of that many people! Anyway... I'm going to do a formal announcement video about BPR's retirement... there'll probably be one or two more singles as BPR for the rest of 2014... then, (drumrolllllllll) - my new music entity's birth will premiere in 2015!